A variation of this article originally appeared in the December 2023 edition of the FFI Texas Council Newsletter. Much of what happens on the river is beyond our control as anglers—the wind, the weather, the…
Their core marketing message is that this rod is 4 times better than the previous generation of Helios rod. In fact, Orvis goes as far as to say they have developed the “best rod in the world.” Have they? Maybe. Will that innovation lead to success on the water? That depends.
I recently had someone reach out to say they were looking to get a new reel for their spouse’s beginner combo. While the specific reel question was more unique, I’m asked all of the time…
First let me say that ANY option would be a good start. It really depends on your budget and how much help you think you might need. Private Beginner Fly Fishing Bootcamp -Premium: This is…
What started as the answer to a specific student challenge because of its simplicity has now become a rod/line setup I reach for myself because of its performance.
Done hate me for saying so, but it depends… That’s all too true, but let me see if I can give you a little guidance. I’ll start by offering a few parameters so we know…
Good question. The short answer is that one follows a set curriculum and the other is customized to meet the specific needs of the fly angler. Additional detail follows: BEGINNER PACKAGE: My beginner packages have…
That famous guy over at Orvis, Tom Rosenbauer, has compiled a list of what he considers 12 essential trout flies and I certainly am in no position to disagree with him, nor do I. That…
I’ve had lots of questions about sinking lines since the White Bass have started running. Like, “Do I need a full sink or sink tip?” or, “Can I fish the floating line I already have?”…