WARNING: FLY LINE GEEKERY, PROCEED WITH CAUTION. In preparation for guiding in SW Colorado this summer, I’ve really been putting some lines through their paces. Without belaboring the details, In doing so, I have a new favorite line that I think just might be one of the best all-around lines for the type of fishing we do in TX…and lots of other places, for that matter. For bass fishing with “pick up and shoot” tactics and heavy flies, it’s hard to beat the extremely overweight lines like Orvis Bankshot, Rio Outbound Short, SA Grand Slam, etc. But if you do find yourself in a situation where you want to throw dry flies/hoppers, it’s like trying to carve toothpicks with a chainsaw. Not to mention the fact that many of these lines are only available in 6wt and up.

It’s like a shooting head line and a triangle taper
had a beautiful, chubby baby.
Enter the Scientific Anglers Amplitude Smooth Creek Trout. I know, I know, it says TROUT…but hang with me a minute. First of all, it’s overweighted by a whole line size. That means, for example, you have a 5wt running line, but a long rear taper that pushes out a short, 6wt head. That makes it great for sending loads. But wait, look at that long front taper. That’s what really makes this line stand out from the other overweighted “creek” lines currently on the market. It slims down just right to slow things down for better presentation when that matters. It’s like a shooting head line and a triangle taper had a beautiful, chubby baby. That might just be why it won the IFTD Best of Show Freshwater Fly Line for 2022. Side note: if you have a really slow/soft action rod, this is likely not the line for you…well, maybe. In correct line weight it will turn that rod into a noodle when casting at distance. That said, I have put the 3wt Creek Trout line on my 7’6″ S-Glass 4wt and it made me giggle. For real.
I know many find that they prefer lines that are 1/2 weight heavy because they load faster action rods better and let them do more of the work. This line makes throwing bigger streamers like child’s play…without sacrificing presentation when you need it. Wanna target trophy trout? This line will roll cast an indicator rig with ease and mend like a champ. So if you are struggling at all with your 5wt thinking you might need a six now that you want to target bigger fish with bigger flies…or have a six and want a seven, this might be $100 well spent…and dare I say, the only floating freshwater line you need.
There are lots of great lines to choose from in today’s market. And some for specific purposes. This may not be the best line for high-pressure, picky trout on technical tailwaters, but delivered with a decent casting stroke, it certainly does a lot of things well. This is my current favorite…what’s yours?