I hear stories all the time from folks once excited to try fly fishing who now have a fly rod collecting dust in a closet. They assumed they could “figure it out” simply by watching internet videos or by attending a free crash course. The reality is that while beginning fly fishing isn’t that complicated, it is a bit complex. And knowing what you do and don’t need to know, especially at first, can be daunting without some guidance.

So I’m putting my passion for fly angling together with my experience as a teacher and trainer to create a logical and linear learning path with simple, easy-to-follow instruction. One that focuses on achieving early success and building confidence over time. I’ll start with a few must-have beginner and continuing skills clinics and build from there, so stay tuned! Life can be overwhelming enough. Fly fishing should be fun, relaxing, and rewarding. That’s where the ZEN comes in.

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