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Cari (fisherofzen) will be giving this presentation to the Austin Fly Fishers Club meeting. You do not need to be a club member to attend, this meeting is open to the public. Doors at 6pm, meeting at 7pm.
There’s no shortage of line options available to fly anglers these days, which is great. But the challenge of trying to wade through these variations and understand how they apply to different angling situations means many folks just leave it to the fly shop to make a recommendation. That’s fine, at first.
But when you’re ready to begin exploring different species, throwing different flies, and encountering more challenging situations, choosing the right line for the job will make your day on the water much more enjoyable…and likely more successful! Whether you’re ready to add a new line to your quiver, or simply wanting to make sense of the overwhelming number of line options currently available, this presentation is for you.