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Presenter: Bill Campbell, FFI Certified Casting Instructor
Bill grew up in the suburbs of Baltimore, MD where he learned to fly fish when he was eleven years old. The area’s local farm ponds and its tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay proved to be excellent fishing classrooms for him. During his teenage years, his passion for fly fishing grew by regularly reading Lefty Kreh’s “Maryland Outdoors” article, which was published weekly in The Baltimore Sun.
Throughout his fly-fishing journey, Bill has had the good fortune to fly fish from New Zealand to Maryland and many places in between. Today, he fishes mostly on Lake Texoma and in the lakes and rivers of East Tennessee. His favorite place to fish is on the banks of Lake Texoma chasing smallmouth bass on topwater with his British Lab, Charleigh by his side. He divides his time between his residences in Lewisville, TX and Monteagle, TN.
This event is free and brought to you by the Texas Council of Fly Fishers International.
Looking for more educational resources and/or fly-fishy-folks? Click here to find a club in your neighborhood: Texas Fly Fishing Clubs
Topic: CASTING MATTERS: The Building Blocks of Accurate Fly Casting
Time: Jun 12, 2024 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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